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Four - probe and two - probe methods are used to test the resistance of the diaphragm

Release time:2020-08-27Source: SEMISHARE

Thin film resistance is used in many devices. There are many thin film resistance devices in the battery machinery and equipment, which can reasonably improve the utilization rate of the battery and give full play to the battery management system to track the battery information. In general, according to the film resistance value, the true conductivity of the material can be calculated according to the linear fitting, which provides technical support for product development. For resistors in batteries, two-probe and four-probe tests are more common, and there are differences between the two.

1. film resistance two - needle test method

When the film resistance is tested with two probes, the test load pressure will have a certain influence on the result. Generally, the test load pressure rises and the electrode film resistance decreases. After exceeding a certain value, the test result is irrelevant to the pressure. Fresh after rolled sheet, after assembling the battery pole piece, and the experience is not the same cycle frequency pole piece and so on in different life cycle, main show is not the same and test load pressure sensitive resistance difference, according to the diaphragm, the pressure sensitive difference between pole piece can measure different lifecycle peng up its thickness change of the difference, for the pole piece and the analysis of the lithium battery to assess presents a new way of measuring characterization.

2. Film resistance four needle test
There are various ways to test the membrane resistance in the battery, the most common one is the four-probe method and the single-probe method. This method for the measurement of film resistance has its own characteristics, but there are many. The traditional four-probe table instrument is developed for the thin metal coating industry and is suitable for measuring the resistance of conductive coating on the surface layer of insulating layer base. Against the bottom set fluid conductivity than coating conductivity battery diaphragm, four probe method in testing the resistance, electronics fluid flow direction parallel to the set, electronics and battery charging and discharging real work direction is perpendicular to the fluid transmission, so this kind of way to test the resistance of the work with real condition also exists difference.

In many times, technical engineers often choose this way to size sizing on the non-conductor substrate to test the size film impedance, according to the resistivity qualitative analysis of the size of the conductive agent throughout the situation, and then distinguish the size of the dispersion effect. There are differences between the two methods of testing thin film resistance in batteries, but this is the best way to test thin film resistance in the battery industry.

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