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Air-floating automatic balance anti-vibration table


Air-floating automatic balance anti-vibration table

Air-floating automatic balance anti-vibration table



Features:The pneumatic support frame is designed and manufactured with a special two-chamber system design to ensure that the natural vibration frequency is kept low, excellent vibration isolation in both vertical and horizontal directions, and excellent damping with leveling valve design provides automatic leveling.


Reference Size(L*W*H) 600*900*600mm
Isolation System
Pneumatic isolation
Resonance frequency
Vertical/horizontal = 1.2 - 3.0 Hz
10 Hz Isolation
Vertical/horizontal = 80 - 99%
Leveling repeatability
Standard leveling valve = ±1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Precision leveling valve = ±0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Maximum load capacity
500 kg
Automatic leveling
Height adjustment
±20 mm
Required air supply
3–5 kg/cm2 nitrogen or compressed air

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0755-2690 6952 turn 801/804/806/814

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