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Temperature Chuck


High and low temperature high pressure chuck

High and low temperature high pressure chuck

High-low-temperature and high-pressure three-axis groove chuck

Specification:-60°C to 200°C/-60°C to 300°C; 3KV/10KV

Size:8,12 inches

Kelvin triaxial type (M), 3kV or 10kV coaxial connection
500A pulse simultaneously meets test temperature requirements from -60°C to +300°C
It can ensure ultra-low leakage and avoid breakdown under high voltages up to 10,000 volts.

Normal temperature chuck

Normal temperature chuck

Room temperature porous chuck

Specification:Coaxial/Triaxial/RF/High Voltage

Size:4,6, 8,12 inches

Multi-area independent adsorption/three-stage vacuum adsorption
Modular system, customized to adapt to personalized testing requirements
Compatible with all major production probes and all major analytical probes
Offers complete hardware and software integration

High and low temperature chuck

High and low temperature chuck

High and low temperature three-axis groove chuck

Specification:-50/60℃ to 200℃

Size:8,12 inches

Without cooling machine, the temperature can be as low as -10℃
Air only - no liquids or Peltier elements
Modular system, customized to adapt to personalized testing requirements
No separate purge air source required
Compatible with all major production probes and all major analytical probes
Offers complete hardware and software integration


For detailed specifications of the heating table, you can download our accessories manual.
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0755-2690 6952 turn 801/804/806/814

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