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SEMISHARE Professional Testing Services (PTS)

To create more value for users

Optoelectronic Testing

Temperature Testing

Power Testing

IV/CV DC Testing

RF Radio Frequency

For more testing
options, please feel
free to inquire

Free Test Experience Card for the first 5 daily appointments.

Founding Purpose:

1、To facilitate design validation, providing convenient testing and shortening development time.
2、To reduce testing costs, users can quickly complete testing by sending PTS requirements without the need for a one-time payment of a large amount for testing equipment procurement.
3、To understand emerging market applications and promote the research and development of semiconductor testing products.

Service Advantages:

1、SEMISHARE has accumulated experience in building a massive testing application solution for over 1000 global renowned probe station customers.
2、A full range of advanced probe station products are available for deployment and use.
3、The PTS team possesses over 10 years of professional knowledge in semiconductor testing systems.

Contact PTS Professional team, prompt response

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